Bits and Bytes Security

Hack The Box / Challenges / Crypto / Call

I actually wasn’t able to complete this challenge, however, after seeing the solution, I could see I was close to it. Sharing here my write up.

Looking at the frequency analysis of this sound file we see that 1633 Hz and 941 Hz are not used. Also, we confirm that it clearly matches the frequency tones used in DTMF.

%Fourier Transform of Sound File
%Load File
file = 'sound.wav';
[y,Fs,bits] = wavread(file);

Nsamps = length(y);
t = (1/Fs)*(1:Nsamps);          %Prepare time data for plot

%Do Fourier Transform
y_fft = abs(fft(y));            %Retain Magnitude
y_fft = y_fft(1:Nsamps/2);      %Discard Half of Points
f = Fs*(0:Nsamps/2-1)/Nsamps;   %Prepare freq data for plot

%Plot Sound File in Time Domain
plot(t, y);
xlabel('Time (s)')
title('fft action')

%Plot Sound File in Frequency Domain
hold on
plot(f, y_fft);
xlim([0 1000])
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
title('Frequency Response of Tuning Fork A4') 

for x = [1209, 1336, 1477, 1633, 697, 770, 852, 941]

Using this online DTMF decoded and another Linux tool to ensure the decoding is correct:

multimon-ng$ ./build/multimon-ng -t wav -a DTMF ../sound.wav 
multimon-ng 1.1.8
  (C) 1996/1997 by Tom Sailer HB9JNX/AE4WA
    (C) 2012-2019 by Elias Oenal
    Available demodulators: POCSAG512 POCSAG1200 POCSAG2400 FLEX EAS UFSK1200 CLIPFSK FMSFSK AFSK1200 AFSK2400
    X10 SCOPE
    Enabled demodulators: DTMF
    DTMF: 2
    DTMF: 3
    DTMF: 3
    DTMF: 1
    DTMF: 4
    DTMF: 3
    DTMF: 4
    DTMF: 7
    DTMF: 8
    DTMF: 3
    DTMF: 7
    DTMF: 1
    DTMF: 1
    DTMF: 9
    DTMF: 2
    DTMF: 3
    DTMF: 4
    DTMF: 3
    DTMF: 1
    DTMF: 7
    DTMF: 6
    DTMF: 7
    DTMF: 3
    DTMF: 7
    DTMF: 2
    DTMF: 3
    DTMF: 3
    DTMF: 1
    DTMF: 1
    DTMF: 1
    DTMF: 7
    DTMF: 7
    DTMF: 1
    DTMF: 4
    DTMF: 1
    DTMF: 1
    DTMF: 3

In the online one, we’ve to provide a wav file. We get the following 37 DTMF tones:

2 3 3 1 4 3 4 7 8 3 7 1 1 9 2 3 4 3 1 7 6 7 3 7 2 3 3 1 1 1 7 7 1 4 1 1 3


Converting to hex doesn’t reveal much (15 byte-codes):

00000000: 1c10 49c1 0264 3b09 b060 f648 1f81 ac    ..I..d;..`.H...

One fact is that we don’t find the code 5 and 0 used in this sequence. Other fact is that if we listen to the audio file, we see that the keys are pressed in a sequence and there is a pause between pairs of keys except in one case. If we use that time interval information between the key presses, results in the following sequence:

23 31 43 47 83 71 19 23 43 17 67 37 23 31 11 7 71 41 13
21 28 39 43 75 
#  ?   +  /  S  G  ? 

If consider an alphabet of 2*26 + 10 characters (62) that’s still not containing all these codes. The maximum code value is 83.

Trying to assign an unique character for each code leads to:

23 31 43 47 83 71 19 23 43 17 67 37 23 31 11 7 71 41 13
 A  B  C  D  E  F  G  A  C  H  I  J  A  B  K L  F  M  O

Then trying to crack considering mono-alphabetic but got nowhere.

Looking further at the numbers, I tried (from an hint) a number sequence solver ( and something was intriguing: the number differences are all even.

8 12 4 36 -12 -52 4 20 -26 50 -30 -14 8 -20 -4 64 -30 -28

Looking further, we see that these are all prime numbers. Now, maybe the prime number index in a list of prime numbers could map to words? that’s the first thing that crosses my mind.

23 31 43 47 83 71 19 23 43 17 67 37 23 31 11  7 71 41 13
9  11 14 15 23 20 67  9 14  7 19 12  9 11  5 17 20 13  6


23 31 43 47 83 71 19 23 43 17 67 37 23 31 11  7 71 41 13
9  11 14 15 23 20 67  9 14  7 19 12  9 11  5 17 20 13  6
I   K  N  O  W  T  O  I  N  G  S  L  I  K  E  Q  T  M  F

Tried that and small variations like: IKNOWTOSINGLIKEDTMF but none seem to work. I’m missing something. It is strange that INGS instead of SING is showing.

From the description we know the flag format is: HTB{PASSWORD}. However, I tried: HTB{IKNOWTOSINGLIKEDTMF} but it’s not working. Also tried HTB{IKNOWTOINGSLIKEQTMF}

The solution was it was a prime number cipher… leading to IKNOWTHINGSLIKEDTMF flag…